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Ferry Dianda (1268)
kamera V3 Harlim minjem ma irawan danoenn"I dig my toes into the sandnThe ocean looks like a thousand diamondsnStrewn across a blue blanketnI lean against the windnPretend that I am weightlessnAnd in this moment I am happy...happynnI wish you were herenI wish you were herenI wish you were herenI wish you were herennI lay my head onto the sandnThe sky resembles a backlit canopynWith holes punched in itnI'm counting UFOsnI signal them with my lighternAnd in this moment I am happy...happynnI wish you were herenI wish you were herenI wish you were herenWish you were here"nnMohon dibantai teman2 FN,,,,
16 tahun yang lalu
Cakep angle & komposisinya.................olahan & tone IR-nya sedap...........salam
nice IR... mantap ... salam..
kompo asik..sayang bagian kulit kurang olahan,IMHO salam shoot
Cakep tone nya... :)
cakep angle dan olahan tone irnya,selamat senin sore
komposisinya cakep, oldignya mantap. salut om. salam...
Cuakep bgt! salam...
Sangat Menarik Sekali IRx ini pak..Salute Bgt..Kompo xyg sangat mantap .Salute..Salam PEmula Maluku utara^_^