Hak cipta karya foto ada pada fotografer dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang.
Victor Lumunon (2844)
Echo of Un-interesting ObjectsnnThere are everywhere. No beauty. No value. Same as my photos, as me. Therefore I took their picture - no regret. It's just a picture. Uninteresting one.nnNikon F70 + 28-80mm f/3,5-5,6nLucky SHD 100 pushed 200nMicro MF 25C - 8'
16 tahun yang lalu
maybe my time is off...Selamet ah..
end of story
fotonya sgt mnarik,warna yg hitam putih,ada sepeda,gerobak,jemuran,gang sempit yg kotor,batako2 murahan,semuanya mrupakan representasi dr suatu hal,tp sayang anda tidk mnceritakan representasi2 trsebut dlm tulisan anda,bagi saya,that is beauty,that is full of value,same as you,but people, maybe me and you to,always think that the beauty n value in the mainstream mindset,so we can't see all,salut untuk anda :)
cakep.. cuma bagian kiri atasnya rada distract
available lighting enak dilihat....