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Peter Horst (10293)
The Frozen Lake Kromnach with Full Moon and a bit Digital Work.n( My Kamera get frozen when I take this Shot :-( )
16 tahun yang lalu
Fantastische Atmosphäre! wie kalt war es dann? Grüße vom Newbie...
orang germany ney,ksh koment jgn pke bhs.indo pake bhs.german dunk "uapuik tenan cak piye iku carane??"
good editing job! great view...
Asyik oldignya.. Nice view juga.. Salam
bzzz.... nice digital work..
kerenn editannya make fractalius yah ommm..pengen donk full versionnya...salam dr mks
good editing, i like this one, gruß aus nachbar
nice moment... nice composition... salam