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Peter Horst (10293)
I make this Shot when Ive been Relaxing at Maninjau in December....now Iam back in cold..cold! Germany....Brrrrrr....
14 tahun yang lalu
great shot peter....the view so beautiful with the natural tone
I Like this pict... so natural!! Welldone!
Great shot, reflection, regard
15 tahun yang lalu
this is my Indonesia!haha really great huh?I love this POI so much!
wow, great shot
tone nya bagus banget......nice pic....
i like the angle and that transparent blue...
nice shot....nice tone..nice fictures..good job bro
Good compo...
wow, hat is a great pics... greetings from semarang
nice composition :)
16 tahun yang lalu
nice shot peter!
cantik bana, Da,,, salut .. TOP BGT
Nice shoot Peter.....wonderfull maninjau.....
great shot .. tone n komponya asik ...
Nice view ...................great shot..........
Asik ni foto..kurang wide aja..semoga berkenan..salam dari jogja :D
Moment dan view yang cantik... komposisinya mantap... salam ;)
pola dan komposisinya mantapp...blue tone nya maknyuusss...
wow...beningnya.....gut gemacht !!
refleksi mantap, angel dan kompo nya nendang salam
schones foto mann.........
Nice object.,komposisiny bgs.,refleksiny jg kena..Good shoot..
indah euy... angle dan komposisi nya... salam
Great shot, composition good, nice tone. well done.