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Peter Horst (10293)
Just came back from Padang....there 30°....here -19°C !! nhere we walk over the frozen Krombach Lake.
15 tahun yang lalu
i like the detail... kontur dan bayangannya machen dieses bild alive... mit freundlichen gruessen...
16 tahun yang lalu
Nice captured....what a contradiction between there 30°....here -19°C...how are you Peter. How's the trip in Padang....
keren komponya oom Peter ........................ ...................... ............................ salam from Bristol
Nice view,great foto..............
Landscape yang nature banget...ninc picture ...salam
No bikinis on the beach? :)
nice view and compotition..
:(((((:((((...brbr so cool ...
nice shot here boss
Ambo indak mangarati jo komen2 di ateh doh. Tapi iyobana rancak garis hitam nan balintang panjang tuh.
wow....schoene aussicht.....lange nicht gesehen? grüße aus stuttgart
Nice photo.
-19!!!! bei mir nur bis -13....wie war's in Padang ?