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Daniel Ab (9883)
Date Time Original: 2009:01:03 17:36:53rnISO Speed Ratings: 400rnspecial thx to Julien Bergougnoux.rnhe built a skaterpark pool in bali and let the kids in his neighborhood skate for free, andrnhe also teaches them.rni admire his dedication and generosity.
15 tahun yang lalu
luarrrrr biasa...salam
dazzling, another great capture by daniel... dmn neh om? @dH1
nice shoot,, apik strobisnya.................salam
16 tahun yang lalu
wow... dua dua keren smua om.. top!
greatshot ... salam selalu om Daniel
expresi nya nomer wahid...
sedap sekali wide anglenya.... mantap ....................... .... salam dari Bristol
cakep timingnya cuakep tonenya
good shoot
cahaya keras tapi berkarakter... saya sih suka
nice shot...stop actionnya oke om.....salam
momentnya top banged
nice pic