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Joe Ferry (7742)
Taken at 2nd anniversary Vivocity.rnQuite interesting fireworks, i still can enjoy while its captured ^_^rnCnC are welcome
16 tahun yang lalu
nice slow speed....salam
could be a specialist fireworks..hehehe..salam....kapan ya ada kesempatan take ginian...hikss...
nice capture.....great shot .....
waaah,,baguus,,,keren nih,,,nice capture..
quite a successfull fireworks shot... great timing and focusing... ^_^ +may peace be upon you+
keren om.. :)
nice, perfect moment
pengen bisa motret kayak gini. salut..
cantiknya.. tone na pas banget.. suka bangetttt..
great exposure...pas...belon pernah motret ginian...hehehe..salam..
cakep... eksekusinya...salam