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Ricky Siegers (55768)
"All that we are is the result of what we have thought.rnIf a man speaks or acts with an evil thought, pain follows him. rnIf a man speaks or acts with a pure thought, rnhappiness follows him,rn like a shadow that never leaves him. "rnrnrnrnquote: from Budha to his followers...rnrn@Mas Sis, Lelly, en Bram...yup guys...I am in love with Budha...:-)rn
15 tahun yang lalu
keren.. simple n nice.. plus duotone nya bikin lebih 'dalem'.. nice - nice ..
wah keren ini, saya baru ngeliat
16 tahun yang lalu
DOFnya mantabs pisan bro...komposisi dan BWnya kereen
cakep...dof nya ga kuat..salam
lho?? loe in love lagi ya...hueeeekhhhehhehe
bokehnya dahsyat.. flare-nya cantik... cuakep om.. salam
Wow.... bokehnya superb.... cakep mas. salam
bokehnya asik banget.. salam.
ini keren bgt... idenya cerdas bener... paling jatuh cinta emg ama bulet"nya itu...
Yang ini juga keren... bisa aja idenya.. tonalnya sip.. Salam...
Keren!! Bokehnya asik nich Rick..., aq suka banget!! Salam!!
keren bro!!!.... duo tonenya mantappp..... bokehnya gak nahan... well done... salam.........
Waduuuuh!!! Ganti aliran lagi nih kayaknya..
Buiiihhhh..... Bokehnya asyik banget Om..... Dahsyaaaatttt.... salut Om.. salam
keyen mantap isolasi warna dan bwnya om
jeliiii...hehehe lensa yahud yah om..
keren om ric... dibikin bw jadi gimana gitu... romance mood...
Om keren Om tonal'nya....mantep betul..Salam :)
sederhana tetapi tetap mild
All that we are is the result of what we have thought...... I believe that....
cakep om...suka liatnya,,salam
how romantic you are.......... bokehnya keren.....
yeah..wish that .....is beautiful in mind....xixixixixi....... data teknisnya mohon dikoreksi ya owm....hihihihhii.....
selalu keyen konsepna... groetjes!