Hak cipta karya foto ada pada fotografer dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang.
Eva Tobing, IPEY (76002)
....... Love one another and you will be happy! It\'s as simple.... and as difficult as that.
16 tahun yang lalu
what a lovely moment......the post wedding ceremony moments would be a lot harder :)
welcome back Ipeeeeeeyyyy...nice moment...
coz ... love will keep us alive
wawww...kerennn...cinta banget de pokoknya...=D
hahaa... lucu....udah gede main balon....soo romantic....
apa kabar mba ipey .. long time no talk, nice moment, moment sama mood nya pas banget
Love = karunia ....tak semua orang bisa mendapatkanya
yeah exactly .... say so.....
a touch of beauty!!!!! one of a kind.... love it pey!
so bright nice shoot
eropa sekali... ;) + :-*
moment shoot yang cantik .....
aih ... ada si mbak Ipey... apa kabar say.... sudut bidiknya sangat bercerita pey...
Foto yang sudah diperhitungkan... ada simbolisasi dan cerita.
wew.... good framing mba ku.... salut....salam
great snap.............IPEEEEEEEEYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY !!!!!!!!!!!!!..................................sal am fn