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Tony K. Tjiptodihardjo (84755)
Nemu resep di website :rnrnHow to make your images have a hint of Dave Hill, using Lightroom: rn• take recovery to 100rn• take fill to 100rn• add a little black for some contrastrn• take contrast to 100rn• take clarity to 100rn• take vibrance to 100rn• bring down the saturation to where you almost lose all of your color. NOT BLACK AND WHITErn• go back and play with your exposure and blacks to make the image acceptablern• add a lens vignette to the photo and now it should resemble the Dave Hill look.rnrnrnDate Time Original: 2008:07:13 10:29:09rnISO Speed Ratings: 100
16 tahun yang lalu
wadow... tone warnana mantaps & menarik. Nuansa fotona juga dapet. Nice kompo.
sipp banget,, kayak melukis aja...
ngunu yoo dadine....cobak ahhh, swn lo kumendan. ~dendhonk~
olahannya seudeeeep banget... salam
sembarang 100 mesisan 100TU sakjane...maaf om isoe 3TU hahahaha..salam RDR
wuih....langsung di coba.. sip sip sip...
mblenduk2... wakakaka..
siiiplah tonenya, kak... wannabe... salam...
gosok terussss .... yen aku mulih mesti batal moto ... sirik yeeee, contrast & curve digoyang masssss
nice oldig,,hohoho..om, di pipi kiri modelny tu kok ada semacam..apa itu g thu rambut kali,,kesan agak ganggu halusnya pipi si model e,,semoga berkenan,,salam...
kayak lukisan....cakep2....:D dave hill?..hmmm....
Keren bro, cakep banget neh tonenya. dah pernah coba pakai ReDynamix HDR? tambah dogging lagi bro pasti keren. salam
suwun tutorialnya :)
wah lagi maniak dave hill style ya...^^
suka deh ma warna tone nya :)