Hak cipta karya foto ada pada fotografer dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang.
Tirza Megy Halapiry (6227)
Morning sun shines in our roomrnNow that gloom will back in 2.rnautumn start just 'day with a smile and last on my beautiful love one rnwhose lying besides mernrnyou're so far away in your sleeprnwho can tell what dream you may dream rnyou don’t know that i was drawing with my finger on your sweet young face.rnmakes a meaning wordsrnrnyou make my world so colorful ... I'vernnever had it to goodrnmy love, I.. thank you for all the love u gave... to me... rnrnlike a summer rises uprnlike a grow you bring me nearrnand i kiss ur lips so sweetrnsoft like a rain and rngentle like a morning dew in mayrnrnthough they said that i was wrongrnbut thx god my will so strong..rnI got you in the palm of my handrnbaby they try to put me on rnbut I let they become (?! this part is scrambled?!)rnsurprised to heard that I lovernrnrnrnrnTripod abal2nya direndem di air,,,ombaknya lumayan gede..yah...miss focus lagi,,,miss focus lagi :((
16 tahun yang lalu
Tjiamik! Regards.
nice shot
Slowspeednya bagus banget!! Pokoknya top banget dech..!!
cakep slow speednya nice compo
slow speed yang color full abis....keren bu...
Indah sekali viewnya !!
SiiiPPP,... So Colorful,..
mau dong bisa kazak gini
wow....dasyat nih....suka banget....salam
slamet yah udah jadi FPE...emg keren neh SS nya..iya tapi dikit ngeblur...ajarin dulu saya ka
Gak tajem kak.. Selamat yah FPE.. ;)
lembut warna nya om......
Keren abis...
kren oom warnanya!!! sahuleka sekalii..heheheh.. salamanakbaru
Suka bgt ama warnanya... keren. Sayang agak blur yah fotonya.
man..tap...tenan pak e
Mantap Om.....lengkungan horizon nya itu lho :) :)
Nice tone.
mantep banget warna-warna nya...Salam
tonenya oke banget..sedap dahh..
foto yang kompisisinya menarik....mantap!
tonenya kerenn
warna warninya bagus and kalo fokus pasti hebat nih foto
wah selamat yah,,emang fotonya dasyat eh...salam dari samarinda.