narsis, narcis...narcism 

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rnAlthou gh de term Narcism is often used for a healthy or somewhat big feeling of loving oneselve it is also the term of a narcistic personality disorder (NPD). This is somewhat confusing and next to that the terms Narcism and Narcissism (because the term is originated in the extreme idle personality of Narcissus from ancient Greek history) also are both used. In the case of NPD there is a unhealthy self-love involved, that even can grow into megalomanic fantasies with an extreme wish of being admired. The NPD mostly shows up in the adolescence and causes a deficit in the ability of having compassion with other people. Unfortunately NPD does not disappear during the process of growing up. Some narcissists are also known for continously pointing their critisism towards others in order to do anything in avoiding critisism towards themselves. In both cases the problem of NPD lies in the way of handling self-love and self-values, although both act different upon these feelings.
rn(source: DSM IV)
rnPraising oneselve into the sky and feeling important, exaggerating own abilities, so other people see how good he or she is, with loss of reality.
rnAlways engaged with images of the ideal relationship, great succes, power and striking with beauty.
rnConvinced of how unique and special he/she is and convinced that only a very few understand him or her. At preferral these few are people with a certain rank or status which the narcissist would like to belong to.
rnDemands exaggerated admiration from the environment.
rnIs willing to use others in order to reach his goal.
rnIs convinced to be privileged and expecting others always to consider his or her expectations.
rnA shortness of compassion, because acknowledgement of feelings from other people is not possible for narcistic patients.
rnhaughty attitude and acting.
rnIs often jealous and thinks other people are jealous at him or her.rnrnada 3 yang numpang narsis: pakdhe, pak nanas, diwa...cihuiiiii...;))

  • Nilai foto: 101
  • Dilihat: 222
  • Waktu upload: Kamis, 28 Aug 2008
  • Lokasi: CS, Cempaka Mas, DKI Jakarta, Indonesia
Shooting Data
  • Aperture: n/a
  • Speed: n/a
  • ISO: 0
  • Kamera: Nikon D300 *
  • Lensa: Nikon 17-55mm f/2.8G DX AFS *
  • * Masih menggunakan daftar alat lama yang mungkin tidak akurat.
Kritik dan Komentar
 Eli Supriyatno (94527)

15 tahun yang lalu

Idenya mantap,....tidak canggung dan kolaborasi BW dan warna background menarik hati,....salam hangat selalu

 Tantono Lautan (71191)

15 tahun yang lalu

idenya bagus... pengantar nya apalagi...wuih.. yang moto juga ok2..sayang sedikit blur salam kenal mbak

 Viko Arditya (2162)

16 tahun yang lalu

aku gak mudeng ma bahasane ygtie. yang penting HIDUP NARSIS !!! ngomong2 narsis tuh makanan apa ya ...???

 Rio Angga Satria (3819)

16 tahun yang lalu

hahaha...ada2 aja ni

 Alexander Hadwinning Arso, edwin (9653)

16 tahun yang lalu

hihihihihi anas :D

 Didieth Wicaksono, Dith (32826)

16 tahun yang lalu

wualaaah...ternyata narsis itu berjuta makna yah? tapi ini kelewatan narsisnya ya mbak? di kamar mandi je...hehehe...nice idea...salam

 Solahudin (14623)

16 tahun yang lalu

hidup narsis... apik.

 Amri Nuryadin, Amro (3761)

16 tahun yang lalu

Waduuhh... pada narsis semua yaak... :D

 Henry Heru Sasmita (30455)

16 tahun yang lalu

its all about narcissus.....hehehehe.....well ..... its doesn't matter,everybody can n might be doing free as well.......hahahahaha....salam.

 Widya Wardani (21106)

16 tahun yang lalu

kangen deh auw auwww..

 Kadek Swarna D.A.P. (24792)

16 tahun yang lalu

Keren juga narsisnya.. kupasannya mendalam pula.. salut deh mba.. salam

 Laksana Eka Lanus (25028)

16 tahun yang lalu

hahaha....ntar saya usulin di wishlist bikin kategori narsis deh untuk melengkapi kategori : manusia, landscape, dsb..... oya, thanks infonya, lengkap banget deh.....saLam

 Randy Rakhmadhany (41812)

16 tahun yang lalu

....para maestro pujaan hatiku....

Iputu Partayasa (3235)

16 tahun yang lalu

idenya cakep mbak...salam

 Ina Herliana Koswara (91781)

16 tahun yang lalu

nice kompo Yang Tie... vertikal format oke juga kayaknya.. tonalnya sip...boleh juga ditiru nih, narsisnya..hi..hi.. Salam...

 Iranda Novandi (11033)

16 tahun yang lalu

asik juga idenya meski narcis....hehehehehe....salam

Erry muharrom (1698)

16 tahun yang lalu

kerennnn...pusing baca keterangannya ke ke

 Dwi Kurniawan (4673)

16 tahun yang lalu

nice, kamerany bagus ya.

 Rahmat Mulyono (73890)

16 tahun yang lalu

lg ngetes lip piu ya ;-) ................. pakdhe ganteng ;-) .............. salam boeat smuanyah Yangtie

Tito Alexi (806)

16 tahun yang lalu

ide yang lucu, hidup narsis.. salam

 Siswono Purwanto (65497)

16 tahun yang lalu

aduh yangtie ...masih suka narsis ... mantab idenya ...salam

 Thomas Diptya Wahyantara, Diwa (99892)

16 tahun yang lalu

ihiyyyyy... yg paling blkg ganteng... Eyang, Cempaka Mas bukan Kelapa Gading