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Peter Horst (10293)
The Ruin of St Julien d'Arpaon in the Tarn Canyon in France.
16 tahun yang lalu
nice shoot.. the cloud so supported
Great picture, very dramatic.. is this an HDR pict?
wow, i like the tone.
what a "schönes" Landscape you've shown here... Cool !! I love you put the dramatic sky in to your photo... ich liebe es.. einfach :)
The Sky is amazing,....good angle and composition..!
Great photo! The low angle is creative and the tone creating a dramaticaly effects.
great shot! suka tone dan anglenya... lovely...
dahsyat langitnya... suka, suka... cheers
excellent pic...
komponya asik banget oom. salamm
Nice tone,the clouds look so dramatic...........cool.
Love The Clouds...
die Wolke gefaellt mir...
seeeeppp.... salam...
wowww,,, nice.. kok awannya ada dua versi ya... yang kiri sama kanan ... but's ok keren
Komposisinya asik, dan tone-nya mantap sekali.
angle, composition..beautiful.
sharp... nice view... nice composition.... love the natural tone...
Foto yang menarik....kompo n tonenya mantapp !! Cool !!
Angle dan viewenya cakep om..salam
Like It....mantap...keren...salam
awan dramatic,cakep nih..nice shot bro
cakep angle nya.. nice scene...
Suka sama viewnya OM..jarang-jarang nih...keren..salam dari ketintang
mantap.....tonenya keren.....komponya menawan, naikin contrastnya dikit lebih mantap..imho