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Eva Tobing, IPEY (76002)
rn.......rnEmptiness is loneliness, and loneliness is cleanlinessrnAnd cleanliness is godliness, and god is empty just like mernIntoxicated with the madness.rnI'm in love with my sadness. rnps: is loneliness a choice?
16 tahun yang lalu
lebih asik lagi nih komponya.........................................s alam fn
.................... suka banget sama yg ini mbak Eva ........... salam selalu
wow keren banget ....set f/22, speed 30 detik.. set timer 15 detik.... lari lari ke ujung...punggung ipey diganjal 3pot ...;))....hasilnya: jam tajam se tajam tajam nya...suka 2 bintang kejora nya... .....The worst loneliness is not to be comfortable with yourself.....(Mark Twain)
tajeeem banget....dimensinya kerasa...nice kompo...saluut!
dari posenya sih cewek...semoga ga ada cowok hidung sangat belang... :p
thank God that this loneliness doesn't kill me... yet. :)
foto narsis pake tripot??? :P
anjriit...eta jelma sorangan wae....starna euy.... :salam:
why didn't u take a moment...wait till someone passing by....IMHO, it would be more dramatic...
star...star....keren mbak :)
itu orang itu berdiri disana selama 30 detik tanpa gerak?!?!?!?!? ps: loneliness is not a choice it's a faith, but jomblo is!
yes..it's a choice
Yes, Lonely is the fact, loneliness is the choice. Tone BWnya cakep, Perspektif yang sempurna. ... Cheers
angelnya keren...suasana jg mendukung banget..
berceria banget...salam
anglenya ku suka...olahan bw nya juga maknyusssss kaka...salama'..
Berasa night nya pey............Gw suka ama light n suasanya ^_^.........Mencekam kah ? Semoga tidak ^_^...........tos pake botol cap teh botil................salam.............peace n merdeka
sabtu malam kusendiri, tiada temanku lagi..... disekitar kulihat diam, tiada seindah dulu... -koes ploes-
nice BW sis...ini to sudut Bohemia...jadi inget ama ini nih.."Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy? Caught in a landslide, No escape from reality... thanks for sharing...salam
ga ada matinya kek ipey... mantab samudra kalo kata si lambok sinaga =D
awas kamera dibawa kabur
udah lama gak mampir , permainan komposisinya apik banget pey .. VOTE juara nih ... salam
aduhhhh gile ah ...... :)
weits lucu ih...!