Seven-spotted Ladybug 

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 Eka Permana (3760)

Date Time Original: 2008:03:14 20:11:11
rnISO Speed Ratings: 100

rnLadybug Beetles - Coleoptera family Coccinellidae rnLadybugs are among the most widely recognized beetles, for their bright colors and round, spotted elytra.

rnMost ladybugs are shiny red, orange or black with red or yellow markings. Both adults and larva are predators, mostly of plant-damaging aphids. This beneficial property has led to their use as biological control agents, and the introduction of the Asian ladybug to The United States was one such deployment. These "invaders" have very quickly become the dominant ladybug species in North America. They have come to rival the boxelder bug as an annoying pest seeking to overwinter in our houses.rnrnLadybugs often overwinter as adults in large swarms under fallen leaves, bark, or inside outbuildings. The active spindle-shaped larvae are usually covered with spines and are brightly colored in their own right. During the Middle Ages, these beetles were used to control aphid infestations of grapevines in vinyards; in appreciation, they were dedicated to "Our Lady," hence the common name. In The U.K. they are known as ladybird beetles.

  • Nilai foto: 35
  • Dilihat: 134
  • Waktu upload: Rabu, 28 Mei 2008
  • Lokasi: Depan Rumah - Karawaci, Banten, Indonesia
Shooting Data
  • Aperture: f/4.0
  • Speed: 1/200
  • ISO: 0
  • Kamera: Olympus SP-500 *
  • Lensa: Olympus Built-in/Standard *
  • * Masih menggunakan daftar alat lama yang mungkin tidak akurat.
Kritik dan Komentar
 Thomas Ermul Kurniyanto (38704)

16 tahun yang lalu

komposisi dan tone warnanya cantik..detailnya baik,,salam makromania

 Pio Paulus Sembiring (33988)

16 tahun yang lalu

kontras ijo dan warna kepiknya keren sekali Pak.....kalo wajahnya dapat pasti lebih keren lagi....salam

 Adrianus Juniarno (33050)

16 tahun yang lalu

cakep... cukup tajem tp agak sedikit soft... sayang dari belakang, prefer kalo kepalanya keliatan... semoga berkenan, salam makromania!

 Anif Putramijaya (112661)

16 tahun yang lalu

Cakep DOF dan tonalnya,..IMHO kalau kepalanya ikut tercapture makin kereenn nich Oom,....salam dari offshore Malaysia

Nicolaus E.F (2910)

16 tahun yang lalu

mantab.... komposisinya asik....

Daniel Zacharias (2138)

16 tahun yang lalu

nice makro, DOFnya udah Ok cuma kurang gede dikit d. kompo mungkin sedikit di perhatikan...anyway nice shot bro....salam kenal

 Andi Susanto (20420)

16 tahun yang lalu

obyeknya cute dgn BG dan lokasi yg klop.....but IMHO DOF kurang tebel dikit & kompo akan lebih sip kalo POI gak dead center nih...semoga berkenan...salam macromania

Roly Christian Manoy (1054)

16 tahun yang lalu

Great macro... salam