Hak cipta karya foto ada pada fotografer dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang.
R. Rully Hendrawan (6295)
mohon kritik n sarannya....nnDate Time Original: 2008:05:17 13:15:55nISO Speed Ratings: 500
16 tahun yang lalu
warnanya mantap. mudah-mudahan pake rexona ya..
enak dilihat...
Pose and style dan compo nya cakep, memang lighting nya kurang pas, sehingga ada shadow dan tampak flat. but overall it's a good shot !
I find the lighting flat. The shadow on the strap of the outfit is distracting. Highlight on her hair could be better. You may want to work on the tone on her face as well as her body. They dont synchronize well. The shine on her face suggested her face a bit oily. Careful with her left arm tough, you have make her squeezed her mussle. Try position the catch light right on her pupil. Hope this helps. Sorry for being so blunt, hey we are here to suggest and comment aren't we?
ada sedikit bayangan menggangu di dada
Wooow...Baby lagi neh...boleh juga yang lain lebih buka itu...Salam jepret.