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holga dipaksa superia 200 35mm, scan di rumah YKR..
nkan ceritanya lagi ulang taon..
njadi ntar ceritanya halaman ini beserta komen2nya mo diprint dan dilaminating... :-"
nnah lho dejavu8->

  • Nilai foto: 59
  • Dilihat: 226
  • Waktu upload: Kamis, 03 Apr 2008
  • Lokasi: singapur, Singapore
Shooting Data
  • Aperture: A
  • Speed: A
  • ISO: 0
  • Kamera: Holga Medium Format non-flash *
  • Lensa: Built-in / Standard *
  • * Masih menggunakan daftar alat lama yang mungkin tidak akurat.
Kritik dan Komentar
 Erik Estrada (89424)

16 tahun yang lalu

mengada-ada ah...

 Dani S. (24115)

16 tahun yang lalu

ituttt... :-"

 Abdul Azhim (22458)

16 tahun yang lalu

ah... jadi inget jaman dulu pas aku komen 3-3-3

 Herman Sam Martino (3473)

16 tahun yang lalu

Holga itu kan yang ngarang Hilman ...

 Cessy Karina (42569)

16 tahun yang lalu

holga .. 8->

 Harlim (146795)

16 tahun yang lalu

akyu masukan komen akyu biar nanti bisa masuk dalam frame laminating ;))

 Inge Halim (3732)

16 tahun yang lalu

Kreatif idenya...pas momennya... salam..

 Maria Y.P. Ardianingtyas, Dian (27437)

16 tahun yang lalu

happy bday ya ling2...kreatif banget nich olahan hasil lomonya ;))

 Christina Desitrivianti, Nina (49997)

16 tahun yang lalu

pusing liat komentarnya ticer igor... :|

 Alfian Noor (6138)

16 tahun yang lalu

Warna nya okeh, momen nya juga okeh... Atas bisa di crop dikit...

 Igor F Firdauzi (185236)

16 tahun yang lalu

(biar enak kalau di print) There is a 1935 copyright registration for Happy Birthday, but the melody Good Morning to All was formally published in 1893 as part of a collection, registered in October 1893, and is public domain by U. S. statute. (you just can't use the "Happy Birthday" lyrics in public without paying) However, one site listed in this editorial claims possession of some early publications that nullify the copyright to even the lyrics. Good Morning to All [a.k.a. the birthday melody] included in: Song Stories for the Kindergarten, pub. 1893 Song Stories for the Kindergarten, revised ed., pub. 1896 [and apparently other pre-1923 editions] Words: Patty Hill (-1946) Music: Mildred Hill (-1916) Good morning to you, Good morning to you, Good morning, dear children, Good morning to all. The song Good Morning to All - from which Happy Birthday was allegedly derived - is free to use (words and music) by U. S. federal statute. (Published before 1923, and furthermore published before 1909) Take a look at Lolly Gasaway's PD chart, or Cornell University's expanded chart. That version of the birthday melody may suffice for some people - instrumentalists in particular. Also note that titles cannot be protected by copyright, and no unique or proper names are involved. Naming an instrumental CD track Good Morning to All a.k.a. Happy Birthday to You should be legal. (The law of other countries might affect the song's status outside the U. S.) Allegedly, after the publication of Good Morning to All in the Hill's songbook Song Stories for the Kindergarten, Robert Coleman, and others, published the "birthday" lyrics with the Good Morning to All melody. In the 1930's, the "Happy Birthday" lyrics combined with the Hill's published melody showed up on stage and in singing telegrams. The Hill family allegedly won a 1934 lawsuit for infringement. In 1935 the Hill family registered the "Happy Birthday" copyright mentioned endlessly on the Web. (Which does not affect today's public domain status of Good Morning to All.) Two sources for Good Morning to All sheet music are PD Info (a small studio, that also sells sheet music reprints) and NetStoreUSA which offers Good Morning to All as part of a songbook. In addition, Google or Altavista might list other sources, or local music dealers might be able to order a copy. Mainely A Cappella currently boasts an mp3 sample of Good Morning to All as part of their On the Good Ship Lollipop CD. (There is also a very simple midi example on PD Info's "G" page.) Is the melody to Good Morning to All the same as the Happy Birthday melody in a legal sense? Except for the splitting of the first note in the melody Good Morning to All to accommodate the two syllables in the word hap-py, musically Happy Birthday and Good Morning to All are identical. Precedence (regarding works derived from public domain material, and cases comparing two similar musical works) seems to suggest that the melody as used in "Happy Birthday" would not merit additional legal protection for one split note. (As separated from the lyrics themselves.) A contact I made via the Web, claimed that someone at Warner-Chappell acknowledged this much to him by phone. It would be the reader's own responsibility to verify that. Strip away the public domain material from the Happy Birthday melody and what do you have? One note - actually half a note. (Mail in your copyright registration for the note f# for example, and see what you get back ;-) Does the split note transform the piece in some substantially creative way? Not in my view. The split note is a natural consequence of the lyric change, and that split note is not original in that there are many lyrics that would result in the same splits. It is my view that you cannot copyright the metric structure of a lyric (especially within a single measure) anymore than you can copyright a common chord progression. (Set both versions of the melody in tremelo and they look identical.) If in doubt, just use a dotted eighth note/sixteenth note pair, rather than two eighth notes. The Classical Archives has a midi of Happy Birthday, with variations, on their Encores page. Search for more midi examples using MusicRobot.

 Emil Fahrinandi Sjahreza (30166)

16 tahun yang lalu

Great pic B'day boy.... Happy b'day ya... sekalian salam kenal. hehehe... i'm emil