Hak cipta karya foto ada pada fotografer dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang.
Atik Nursiana, ana (19816)
16 tahun yang lalu
Yg ini Top bangeeeeeeeeet.....!!!!
in-out frame... kool
sebuah cerita dari sisi gelap manusia, keterpisahan yang ingin bersatu, bersatu
damn g00d!
bener2 3D !
a flirt !!!!
weeh ...apike :)
tuh kan.....gitu dech...katanya bukan yg ini di upload...:(
Ana. This one AWESOME!!
retak...hancur...pedih....?? ..entah.....
It's quite "dark". Cool.
Imagine a cold spain winter, where the bizarre and unpredictable sounds punctuate the dark nights in the most unimaginable ways. people's snorts, bangs, clicks and trumpeting are complemented with journal excerpts, music, and the poetry of life; Here is darkness, construed as manifestations of the black and white through history, space, time, and in the natural world. This picture composition is finest example collaboration between visual and mood
pengamatan yang jeli..
:-) ini idenya kuat banget, gak gampang mikir konsep motret seperti ini... salam kenal
wow... ck.. ck..