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Danny Suryadi Thobi (10115)
Every night another lonely streetnI walk down alonenSearching for the lightnYour light to lead me homenLeave a candle in the windownAnd let it shine for menTake my hand and take these tears away
16 tahun yang lalu
genre: thobism... 8->
Lho perasaan gue dha pernah comment nih foto, tapi koq gak ada yah? ATau perasaan gue doank yah? anyway....... Hail master aliran Thobisme ^:)^ Iya sih, noisenya mengganggu, gue lebih suka aliran thobisme low-noise :p
apik sob, kinda agree ttg noise tapi masih ok kok.
angkaaaaaaaaaatttttt......kok noisenya parah banget? yakin lu pakai Canon? bukan Olympus-nya Wibi...? atau pakai Nikon D70s gue?
nice concept brow... Salam
Another bonus!
hati2 ada copet Kakak....
maaf merusak angka.. karena cakep fotomu.. :D
fix you - coldplay
Every night another lonely street I walk down alone Searching for the light Your light to lead me home Leave a candle in the window And let it shine for me Take my hand and take these tears away
nambah2 point ah....:))
when being lonely is the closest friend...seeing the light and hope there is end...
loh bukannya no more lonely nights?
belom nyampe pengetahuanku mengenai foto ini......tp menurutku itu bisa juga bukan manusia atau mahluk hidup dari penglihatanku karena POInya kurang jelas, imho
guiding light..
kgk jelas deh bang..tapi nice poem