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Michael Moody (2595)
Taken at the annual Sunflower Festival.
16 tahun yang lalu
very nice.....love it...
I really love this picture, especially the angle. Nice IR with great composition. The left and right things don't matter to me. Thanks for sharing....
Nice shoot and perfect. I like this pictures. Regard Andis Atmaja.
Agee with D. Setiadi at one point, too many distracting object on the left and right. Dead center...for this photo is OK.
17 tahun yang lalu
beautiful flower...beatiful shot...IR nya pas..mantab! alam...
I love it....superb bro!!!.....well done
Welcome To FN...should considered the rule of third, and many distracting subject at the background....salam....
try for portrait format..
You've made good exposure and depth of field, but for the composition i agree with others,too dead centre. make it portrait format instead lanscape. Good job for 1st upload....b regards from the ocean of Philippine
welcome Mike,nice flower and compotition,soft colour make more biutipul.... meclotot hi hi
nicely done! Welcome to FN
Sunflower, actully has a nice natural color. On this capture, U might crop the left side. Keep trying. Bst Rgds.
Dead centre composition. Could have been better composition. Too many distracting objects ( left and right side )
nice tone.. n good composition... regards... keep upload bro!
Dude ... this one rocks ! nice compo ..nice close up
beatifull..welcome to FN
keren banget mas paduan warnanya... lembut... komponya mantab...salam
sy suka warna bg nya soft tp seram.salam
aha...so you use the 720n filter inside, worked fine with f/16, sharp, and nice coloring
hmm.. nice composition.. love the tone also.. regards
welcome to FN mike. you've got a good compotition on this pic. Nice IR tonal.
kompo oke... bener tuu warna bunga mataharinya kan dah keren bgt.. knp ga diolah aja colournya.. salam...
IR? wah warnanya jadi serem mas. kenapa IR? khan warna sunflower itu cakep banget. sayang. salam kenal
wihhh...asik bgt Warnanya mas...cakep Dehhh