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Johnny D Aruan (16014)
The Silent Man - Dream Theater rnA question well served,rn'Is silence like a fever?'rn'A voice never heard?'rn'Or a message with no receiver?'rnrnPray they won't askrnBehind the stained glassrnThere's always one more maskrnrnrnHas man been a victimrnof his woman, of his father?rnif he elects not to bother,rnwill he suffocate their faith?rnrnDesperate to fallrnBehind the Great WallrnThat separates us allrnrnrnWhen there is reasonrnTonight I'm Awakernwhen there's no answerrnArrive the Silent ManrnrnIf there is balancerntonight He's AwakernIf they have to sufferrnThere lies the Silent ManrnrnrnSin without deceiversrnA God with no believersrnI could sail byrnon the Winds of SilencernAnd maybe they won't noticernBut this time I thinkrnIt'd be better if I swimrnrnWhen there is reasonrnrnTonight I'm AwakernWhen there's no answerrnArrive the Silent ManrnIf there is balancernTonight he's AwakernBut if they have to sufferrnThere lies the Silent Manrn
16 tahun yang lalu
Mantab jhon..... :)
baik sekali..fotonya bercerita..saya suka ini..terus berlatih ya.. (hahahaha...piisss joon..hihihi, serasa uda prof aja gw, hehehe)
17 tahun yang lalu
wah... ini berasa kaya di shaolin yaa....:D
BW dan ceritanya cakep..... banget
ditto Kurniadi Widodo...............BW nya ganas.
Manstab nih BWnya.. ajarin donk kakakkkk
Ooo.... ternyata dicrop di ps... CHEAT KAUW.....!!!!
black & white cs 3 geser2 terus ;)) lebih suka versi before cropnya
Dream Theather ga ada hubungannya sama Budha deh kak.... wekekekekeke..
most excellent!! gesture kakinya itu, ah 8->
to be precise, bald man...knp nggak warna sih...kuning, merah, berasap wow pasti dramatis, ah entahlah
Suasana foto sangat magis plus disajikan dengan BW....sukses.
walking man kali :|
Judulnya gak oke.... gak seperti silent man... abis cuma keliatan belakang doang.....
Timing dan momennya kurang pas untuk merepresentasikan tema Silent Man. Lebih OK kalau keliatan tampak muka.
huruf2 d belakang melengkapi ceritanya