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Rully Adimas Poetra (15601)
For this time only a cigarette that accompani me...rnEvery time I smoked was gotten by a hope that still could not be realised by mernshit! I forgot cigarettes that I held has wanted finish. finally I returned to the real world to roam again, and prepare for feel the illness againrnrndamm itrnrnrnrnrnDate Time Original: 2008:01:19 05:48:22rnISO Speed Ratings: 200
16 tahun yang lalu
ah... tone khasmu emang keren rul! bgnya juga keren bgt neh
keren moodnya...
lighting na enak...::salam::..[z]
suka banget ama ekspresi modelnya...."nakal"..
suka ma ekpresi modelnya...
konsepnya cakep nih..pose & tonalnya keren..salam..
oke bos
cante nye nih buda'........ asik olahan tone nya
kayaknya foto orang laen deh..., sayang ga bisa ngasih merah
tone. pose. semuanya cakep d. ekspresi si model juga cakep. kalo asap rokok di dramatisir mungkin lbh cakep. but anyway great shot bro. salam kenal