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Andre Halim (1145)
Date Time Original: 2007:11:25 17:50:09nISO Speed Ratings: 100nFocal length : 50mmnnWhen Ferry-boat shipped out from Iskelesi (Ferry Terminal), squadron of seagulls will fly beside and behind the ferry, to catch any food thrown out to sky by passengers. Seagulls, amazingly, can catch these bread, even though the sea breeze and speed of ferry are high.
16 tahun yang lalu
detail objek jelas, pasti perlu kesabaran yah..?!
17 tahun yang lalu
saat yg bagus banget...sip..tonenya juga cantik
mas, great moment! I like that. Paling susah moto burung terbang setajam punya anda. Salam kenal
moment yang asik...tonal n kompo apik...salam kenal