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Wellington Kuswanto (37404)
Living is easy with eyes closed;nMisunderstanding all you see..nnnDate Time Original: 2008:01:11 11:06:17nISO Speed Ratings: 200
16 tahun yang lalu
tancap cabut tancap cabut
banyak lubang ya kalo merem...
17 tahun yang lalu
love 'em physical traces
i'd rather to see the world with half closed eyes..............things look better this way.............
Great idea, nice compo.....love the framin'....cheers
ah gila jenius...!
hihihi... :D:D:D
saat aku tak menerangi aku diterangi........
hhehe bisa aja oom.... nice... suka bgt.... simple... salam....
banyak...yang telah aku lakukan...banyak pula yang membuatku jadi ingat..
living is fun with eyes on viewfinder....