Hak cipta karya foto ada pada fotografer dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang.
Adi Wirantoko (3038)
nikon d70s, rnsigma 24/70 EXDG macro, rn1/50, rnf/2.8
17 tahun yang lalu
salah satu lagu George Harrison yg saya suka....I look at you all...
weits... beautiful portraiture... would love to see one that include an eye contact...
i think this is a strong photo just by itself, without adding more pictures. However, i do think bottom left photo is good. Keep Snapping, Stef.
setuju ma om burgy..ceritanya kena...kusukajuga.
kolase yg amat cantik....perfect...
Wow so meaning full!!! Nice BW photo.... Salut2... 1000 Thumbs up!!!
Emotion captured well. Carlos Santana? :D
intronya eric clapton tuh yang ngisi
bercerita sekali.........kusuka.....