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SakaG Kaori (993)
Hello.nIt has been a long time to join you! My Best regards to all! Pls see it and give me your comments!! salam!
Fotografer sedang dalam suspend/verifikasi identitas/verifikasi e-mail. Foto tidak bisa dikomentari
17 tahun yang lalu
modelnya lucu...tone nya juga asik...tapi warna kuning di sudut sedikit mengganggu...dan IMHO tumbuhannya mendingan di hilangkan atau diperlihatkan aja,,,salam
kok olahannya jadi aneh gitu yah....mau dibuat vektor? tapi komponya kurang asyik.....imho
lighting method should be more soft and proper. this one is so harsh. the boy is so cute, i like his style. IMHO, the other thing that could make this photograph more artfull is the shooting angle. cheerss...