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Dandie P. Nugroho (366)
Date Time Original: 2007:12:23 22:12:16nISO Speed Ratings: 125nFloating Mosque in Jeddah is one of the sacred sites in the city. The mosque is placed just next to the Red Sea which gives the impression that the mosque is floating in water. It is henceforth named the Floating Mosque. Due to the shimmering white color of the mosque it is also referred as the White Mosque.
17 tahun yang lalu
Tone-nya mantap dengan paduan warna yang lembut.... salam dr PAPUA
nite shot ..... kapan bisa sholat disitu ....salam
night shot yang bagus dan menarik sekali. salam kenal ti bandoeng
tonenya cakep..momentnya juga pas..nice shoot mas..btw mudah2an jadi haji mabrur..salam jepret
keren euy tonenya..
keren tone langit dan lighting mesjidnya, tp floatingnya kok gak keliatan he he he. salam
keyen mas.... ini baru namanya oleh2 haji...selamat n semoga menjadi haji mabrur...