Hak cipta karya foto ada pada fotografer dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang.
Armin Hari (6198)
2007:12:07 14:03:19nnnn::ichou and momiji::nnIn Tokyo, at Ueno Park, a place of woman waiting,npromised to wait you, then she apostatized that you didn’t knownthe reason, you raise your head under a tree of Ichou.nYou amazed why the leaves of this tree are changing colorsnfrom green become yellow in autumn.nnBut the answer you find in the caress of another woman,na woman who says that you don’t have to feel worriesnif you see the yellowing leaves, because following nother season will return the green with greener color.nnIn Kyoto, a crowded and orderly city, a place of peoplenwho feel reluctant to hit the horn just to contribute littlenwithin this crowd and noise, you raise your head under a tree of Momiji.nYou amazed why the leaves of this tree are changing colorsnfrom green become red in autumn.nnBut the answer also you find in the caress of that woman,na woman who feels glad when she heard that you forgot to bringnwarm clothes. Because you know very well thatnher arms and chest are made from the warmest swan’s-down.nn::M. Aan Mansyur, Dec. 1st, 2007::
17 tahun yang lalu
Asik bokehnya om. Kok ga sempat hunting momiji bareng kemarin ya??
musuh utama motret beginian adalah angin, apalagi dengan speed 1/15. naikkan ISO mungkin bisa menolong. terus berkarya, salam.
wah asyik nih......dapet motret di Jepan......suka sama tone momojinya....salam dari bali
aduhhhhhhhhhhhhh..........kak armin fotonya cantik baunget........kombinasinya dapat.....selalu semangat ya kak untuk menampilkan foto yang unik.....
bokehnya mana tahan mas armin....ampun.....