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Fadjar Rachmat (3269)
Date Time Original: 2007:08:03 18:58:22nISO Speed Ratings: 200nnOne of Indonesia's most famous mosque, located in Banda Aceh, province of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam. Initially, it was the palace of one of Aceh's Sultan. When the Dutch attacked Banda Aceh in 1873, the building was set on fire. In 1875 the Dutch rebuilt it as a mosque. The reconstruction was finished on December 27, 1883 with one single dome. It was renovated in 1935 with 3 domes. In 1968, two more domes were added. Called Mesjid Raya Baiturrahman, it is one of the most beautiful mosques in Indonesia.
16 tahun yang lalu
asyik bro, fotonya.. peu haba bang?
agak nge flat neh langitnya ma tonenya datar.... tp masi manis... IMHO... Saleum
17 tahun yang lalu
Potosop dikit pren level, kontras, hue saturation & highlight...gak haram kok...malah wajib kalo setingan camera kita standar :)
sedikit terlambat momentnya, cahaya nya kurang , efek orange kurang kliatan. salam
siluetnya cukup keren ditambah semburat sunset di background
siluetnya keren mas! cuman sunsetnya kurang tengah! salam kenal ti Bandung