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Joanita Rorimpandey (33797)
sengaja dibuat dead center.. try different n agains the rule..worlds its free...hihihinnmemperingahati hari pohon 28/11/07 ... pohon ini harus tetap bertahan .. nnhunting bareng lukman A, Brownies, santi,devinnalone in savana...was a long trip n a hot shinny day
17 tahun yang lalu
mantaab...nice idea
sendiri...penuh arti...
uhuuuy banget lah tanta jo....komponya juara,dead centre sapa takuuutt? anglenya mantaaappp....
Hmmm Sendiri... hmmm sepi....sunyi.... MOOD nya dapet mbak :)
sekali lagi dengan kesepian dan kesendirian yg menawan.. salam.. =D
dahsyaaatt !! i love this one.. kayak di Afrika.
poto yg sangat cerdasssssss...apa adanya tidak berlebihan...salam RDR
nice compo....
nice concept..eh depe horizon agak miring kira2 0.12 derajat (huehehehe...) salut :)
Mantap Bidikan-nya Tante Joy....Komposisi yg manis.....Tone-nya keren.....Salam Hangat
simply cool with nice tone .............. know the rules n break 'em .............. salam selalu
komposisi sgt janggal, horizon n 'poi' nya pas di tengah frame, namun sperti kata Ken Duncan, klo foto bagus ya tetap bagus apapun model komposisinya.... luv this 1....
truslah bertahan...eksis. tonenya mantap namelo Jo. kren2....
Menarik dan tone yang tajem..nice dalam uji dead centernya....Memang saya timbang dan rasa klo dicrop bawah lebih greget artnya. Salam kenal jo. Tks.
mantap tanta alone, hehehe.....bajalan tayuzz eee....
very nice view kak, serasa di negri jauh sono....
Rule? What rule? :-)
Madam Jojo.. It is a magnificent shot..!!! Why you like to make the title ALONE..??? (Alone is a totally desperate loneliness on your own.... hahahha) Anyway, is the spot really drought like within this pic...?? what an unhealthy land.. Cheers and send my best regards to Sir RAA... hehe..
hiks....hiks.... diBW doooooong mbak!!...... sedap nt p kompo...& klo tone, nda usah blg lagi.... hehehehe.... btw, klo suka against the rule...sxan aja dibikin totally dead center [ vertical-horizontal ] ^_^
Haven't seen your picture for some time... Suka angle dan komponya... good tone... Salam
Langit berawan dan kuning rumput yang ganas...
puitis... dan ia harus tetap bertahan... ada sapi setia menemaninya kok tante jo... salam
break the rules ? no, there is no rules out there, you are the Rule hehehehe.......tonenya agak dipucatin ato emang begini ?
nice shot.........great picture..........mantao......salam
nice compo n toning.. salam..