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Rama Pratama (5314)
Life is full of mystery...nu couldnt predict the future ...neven how big u are ...nu still need "the little" to carry on...nfaith is already chosen when u were born ...nbut a wish is for a human to decide....nso does a picture...nit's express how i am feeling's at that moment...nfeel's free to critize...nthat's only the thought of my mind combining the theme and the picture ...nregards sm82nnDate Time Original: 2007:10:23 17:54:23nISO Speed Ratings: 200
17 tahun yang lalu
wah kayanya selama di bali udh maju pesat nih. i love this photo. full of emotion with amazing composition. welldone, bro..
sunset yg keren....salam nikon
bagus donk fotonya...konsepnya dalem kayanya...hehehehe...
hhhmmmm.... dalem ya maknanya ya, yah... maklum, lemot hehehe... semoga cepat tumbuh besar ya 'pohon'nya dan ga 'meranggas' lagi... LU
kombinasi yang sempurna antara bermaknanya kata -kata dengan indahnya foto.. salut bro.
ini sunset apa sunrise ya, cantik banget, mantab dah siluetnya, salam ti bandoeng
keren kompo dan tonalnya...................salam fn
Beautiful......nice siluet...i like it!!
cakep banget fotonya.. sunsetnya muannteeeb
cantik, beautiful sunset silhouette...
wow...great view....komposisi & tone...dasyat...great capture.....salam
cakep komponya...... nice tone..... salam ;p