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Peter Horst (10293)
The first Parts of the Church are build 1200 Years ago. After the Years becomes biger and biger.nShe is still in Use and a really nice Place. nDate Time Original: 2007:09:09 15:04:13nISO Speed Ratings: 200
16 tahun yang lalu
Great composisition and angle. Nice picture, very dramatic... I like this picture...
17 tahun yang lalu
great tone and comp...welldone...salam dari Bali..:)
I like this moment..it's so nice view with dramatic cloud....well captured with great composition...good luck Peter...
nice view.......need more sharpness to this pic...imho........but i like the composition.
view yang cakep banget, dramatis dan menegangkan, trimakasih telah berbagi. salam ti bandoeng
nice kompo nih....tone nya cantik....salam
nice view,..I like the tones and composition, regards
nice compo....luv d tone.... dodge/burn @ tallest tree are over a lil bit ... but, still OK 'coz the sky tone can cover it.... ^_^ make this BW pics... it could be better.... ;p
dramatis..mantep komponya, tone +suasana mistis..salam
wow...koposisi dan angle yang menarik.......hanya penggorengan tone langit bocor ke pohon yang dikanan dan bangunan gereja........imho.....salam dari jauh.
permainan komposisi n angle yg serasi sedap dipandang....salam.....
great view....composition & sharpness....i love this pics.......thanks for u'r share......ciao
Great composition, nice tone. Thank's for sharing good job.