Hak cipta karya foto ada pada fotografer dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang.
Andre Wijaya, AW (30776)
Sometimes...rnLife is easyrnAs easy as 1... 2... 3...rnAs easy as A... B... C...rnrnBut somehow...rnLife gets a little complicated.rnAs complicated as the branches of Trees.rnA thousand branches spreading here and there...rnrnThat\'s the beauty of LifernLike the tree with plenty branches that stands for its beauty.rnrnSelamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri 1428H bagi FNers yang merayakan.rnrnMohon maaf lahir dan batin.
17 tahun yang lalu
anglenya menarik, tonenya indah......nice picture....
warnax bagus sekali
keren..warnanya saya suka..mantap olahannya..
angle and pola nya ruaarr biasaaahh...salam IR mania..
Permainan IR nya boleh juga tuh... Siip..;>
............ but we can make a complicated life becomes a simpler one as long as we are willing to open our heart and mind .......... cakep IRnya .............
olahannya mantap, salam
detil dan warnanya apik tenan mas....
tonal n kompossisi yang ciamik salam....
Beautiful IR tone with clever title --- Salam
nice concept........ keren nih foto..... kreatif nih...... ^_^