Hak cipta karya foto ada pada fotografer dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang.
Caro Estrada Steiger (2718)
On 10 of may 2007, my 27 th birthday i took an elevator in my friends house in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and found this game card on the floor. he explained to me that in english they call it "queen of diamonds". wow that sounds nice i thought. in german we just call it "Caro Dame" wich means caro - woman. caro sopo?!? - so now you know ;) -rnwelcome to my galery!! ;)
17 tahun yang lalu
asyik idenya ...........................................
nice idea...
real n unreal... for me.. you are a real of diamond queen hihihi...
reflections sometimes distort....Selamet ah...
sugeng rawoh mbak caro...:)
clever and nice introduction.... ^^ welcome aboard Caro..
om willy huahahaha... it's so nice...
Good start...;)
hehehehehehehehehe.. ;) welcome to FN.. LG. 007.
caro steiger..................aplaus n salam
trinke beer mit meine freundinen und mein Kamera, oopss ....
suka idenya..munkin gambarnya ngblur aja..oke..salam
love the balance created by the dirty reflection here. :) nice lineplay as well. anyway welcome to FN, caro. remember me? :p it's the guy whose name you keep forgetting. :p
huhuhahahah karo sopo motretne panjenengan?
idenya sih boleh... tapi bayangannya koq ngeblur ya... terus scratch yang dilantai juga mengganggu tuh... coba deh dibuat soft, mungkin jadi lebih menarik..IMHO,semoga berkenan
wah iya
hello there??? welcome to FN:)
ugh, ... try a better execution,... 'Sir' ... [ and she is a woman .... ]