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 Karolus Naga (50633)

"A Letter To *Elise"
rnoh *elise it doesn't matter what you say
rni just can't stay here every yesterday
rnlike keep on acting out the same
rnthe way we act out
rnevery way to smile
rnand make-believe we never needed
rnany more than this
rnany more than this
rnoh *elise it doesn't matter what you do
rni know i'll never really get inside of you
rnto make your eyes catch fire
rnthe way they should
rnthe way the blue could pull me in
rnif they only would
rnif they only would
rnat least i'd lose this sense of sensing something else
rnthat hides away
rnfrom me and you
rnthere're worlds to part
rnwith aching looks and breaking hearts
rnand all the prayers your hands can make
rnoh i just take as much as you can throw
rnand then throw it all away
rnoh i throw it all away
rnlike throwing faces at the sky
rnlike throwing arms round
rni stood and stared
rnwide-eyed in front of you
rnand the face i saw looked back
rnthe way i wanted to
rnbut i just can't hold my tears away
rnthe way you do
rn*elise believe i never wanted this
rni thought this time i'd keep all of my promises
rni thought you were the girl always dreamed about
rnbut i let the dream go
rnand the promises broke
rnand the make-believe ran out...
rnoh *elise
rnit doesn't matter what you say
rni just can't stay here every yesterday
rnlike keep on acting out the same
rnthe way we act out
rnevery way to smile
rnand make-believe we never needed
rnany more than this
rnany more than this
rnand every time i try to pick it up
rnlike falling sand
rnas fast as i pick it up
rnit suns away through my clutching hands
rnbut there's nothing else i can really do
rnthere's nothing else
rni can really do
rnat all...
rn::: from a letter to elise, the cure :::
rn*Elisabeth Surya a.k.a Elsie, sorry i let the dream go ...

  • Nilai foto: 61
  • Dilihat: 137
  • Waktu upload: Kamis, 09 Aug 2007
  • Lokasi: Kuta Beach, Purbalingga, Indonesia
Shooting Data
  • Aperture: n/a
  • Speed: n/a
  • ISO: 0
  • Kamera: Nikon FM10 *
  • Lensa: Nikon 35-70mm f/3.5 *
  • Filter: n/a
  • * Masih menggunakan daftar alat lama yang mungkin tidak akurat.
Kritik dan Komentar
 Aris Soleman,aso (14541)

17 tahun yang lalu

Dalam proses pencarian neh..hehehe..

 Praditya Rizky Perdana, didit (8135)

17 tahun yang lalu

ahhh..jinak2 merpati...

 Gracia Nurika P (10254)

17 tahun yang lalu

ada yang putih to..?? heheheh..tadinya kukira cuma satu burung, ternyata ga cuma yg hitam, hehehehe

 Fendy Oliver Kumala (20748)

17 tahun yang lalu

u lock my rotten heart and threw away the key... now theres nothing left but debris...

 Erik Estrada (89424)

17 tahun yang lalu

if you love someone..you gotta set them free..

 Pratanda N Respati (22439)

17 tahun yang lalu

hiks.. diwa nangis.. hehehe.. ;p

 Thomas Diptya Wahyantara, Diwa (99892)

17 tahun yang lalu

jauh dimata dekat dihati... hiks...

 Hulaesuddin (58550)

17 tahun yang lalu

she likes to camouflage..dasar jinak2 merpati...Selamet ah...

 Anggiawan Pratama (8465)

17 tahun yang lalu

ohh,ada dua toh burungnya.yg putih agak susah ngliatnya.nice aniwei^^

 Sihol Sitanggang (16878)

17 tahun yang lalu

dua sejoli... lambang kasih sayang

Muchamad Meiryandi (2742)

17 tahun yang lalu

mantab bos, keren banget bw nya, salam...

Gabriel S. Hutapea (467)

17 tahun yang lalu

Burung yg putih kurang gampang kelihatan. Dengan hormat, IMHO.

 Jimmy Abdullah, JiMbOnD. (111217)

17 tahun yang lalu

BW nya kereeeen....