Hak cipta karya foto ada pada fotografer dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang.
Sylvie Gill (17607)
rni don't usually take hotel amenities everytime i check in to a hotel, but this time i can't resist. the bottles're so cute.rnrnnowadays with the new rules regarding the size of carry-on liquid containers plus the regulation where we are not allowed to bring more than 100 ml liquid on our carry-on luggage to the aircraft (this regulation is varies), these bottles are useful to be filled up with our own shampoo, soap and lotion aren't they ? rnrn
15 tahun yang lalu
great pic! ... but in the luggage ... :D
17 tahun yang lalu
kontras! Nice compo! ingat sirup warna-warni cap pohon pinang... warna pink gitchu.. ;)
oiiii....khabarku baik2 aja mbak...mau dong susunya dikirim ke Jakarta. hehehe....fotonya bening deh...
PINKY BOY!!!!!! Gw kangen ama nih fotografer!!!!!!
kemarin belajar foto gini gak pinter2 neh ....
simpel tapi menarik nih mbak.............cool................salute....... .........aplaus n salam
good idea! simple
NICE...good composition. I LOVE PINK......hihihi. Warm regards.
Komposisi, susunan warna dan pencahayaannya cakep. Wah kalau saya kolektor berat benda-benda ini, desain botol dan grafisnya yang membuat saya tergoda untuk mengoleksi. Salam dari Bandung.
konsep yang kreatif sekali....salam :D
good image. the brightness was perfect and the image was very sharp. good job
Bagus fotonya, komposisi yang menarik dengan permainan lighting yang sangat tepat. Thank's for sharing GREAT PHOTO.
kompo dan laigthing yang keren nih mbak Sylvie.....salut n salam njepret slalu dr jauh