Kalimantan's Timber 

Hak cipta karya foto ada pada fotografer dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang.


This photo was taken during my trip to the Port of Sunda Kelapa. I was able to get permission to board the "Kartika Nusantara Indah" which is a Phinisi-class cargo vessel when I notice some activity of people moving timber through the deck's crane hole.
rnInside the galley, two overly-aged men tries to secure wooden planks to be carried -- by the ship's own crane - onto the port's floor. Once they secured a ropeful of timber, they immediately started on the next one. They were all drenched in sweat and did the chorus in silence. there were thousands of timber down there. the immense of their task to be compared with their ages seems so paradoxial.
rnThere were no such things as safety nets, hard hats and leather boots. All were done with the minumum of necessities. It's hard to believe that these laborers are insured in some way.
rnWhat suprises me till today is their age and the reason why they are there. On close inspection of the average dockworkers and day laborers in and around the port, I notice that the majority are old men. There are, above all, senior-citizens who, infact should be enjoying their pensions and picking the fruits of their labors. But here, it's otherwise.rn

rnI think one of the challenges that I could share with you was that the galley was rather dark. The morning sun illuminated only a small portion of the interior, thus making it more difficult to set your camera. My 200mm f/2.8 and the extra speed that the BW400CN gave me was a godsend. I took four short burst with my motordrive. This is one of them. cheers.

  • Nilai foto: 35
  • Dilihat: 283
  • Waktu upload: Kamis, 21 Jun 2007
  • Lokasi: Sunda Kelapa, DKI Jakarta, Indonesia
Shooting Data
  • Aperture: f/2.8
  • Speed: 1/250
  • ISO: 0
  • Kamera: Canon A-1 *
  • Lensa: Canon FD 200mm f/2.8 *
  • Filter: n/a
  • * Masih menggunakan daftar alat lama yang mungkin tidak akurat.
Kritik dan Komentar
Quliah Alfendah (2087)

15 tahun yang lalu

ini di zoom ya mas? noise gtu, tapi momentnya keren!

 Muhammad Syamsu Rizal, RIZAL (3520)

17 tahun yang lalu

gile.., mantep neh man..suka ama B/W nya yg bikin foto ini keliatan banget karakternya..., btw, keterangannya panjang juga yah...:-), yuuk hunting lagi....

 Rudy Suryana Sentosa (17662)

17 tahun yang lalu

asik anglenya.. tekstur otot2nya dapet jelas sekali.. nice B/W, salam :)

Tune Arihta Ginting (659)

17 tahun yang lalu

Nice BW,suka ama momennya,slm

Christian Octimurdanu (1417)

17 tahun yang lalu

Great picture....great moment...nice kompo..imho..kalau di zoom in sedikit lagi pasti ekpresi mereka akan lebih jelas...salam klepon...

Widie Wihandoko (1791)

17 tahun yang lalu

foto2 begini nih yg buat greget...foto diatas kapal....hem...sunda kelapa...asik...MANTAP. hidup B/W

 Ida Bagus Wiwin Suardhana (10982)

17 tahun yang lalu

tone dan BWnya udah mantap, kalau anglenya lebih ke ekspresi wajah pekerja mungkin lebih dasyat. imho.

Choirul Huda R. (2704)

17 tahun yang lalu

Ekspresinya kurang kelihatan mas..btw nice PIC...salam B/W