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Jonatan Agus (323)
its 4 o'clock in the morning, sleepy eyes.......nwondering........where is the place I called home....ncos I never get there.....ndont know why...nI just can't.....ncos my body is not moving...nmy soul is.....nbut still dont know why....nor maybe I just walk in to the light...ndown there......
17 tahun yang lalu
kok ga pake tripod aja om???
he he emang bener begini kl lg on... jepret trus bos.... salam
what the... bner kata pak putu... ga jelas... pengen nightshot apa tdk ya??? keep upload sajalah.... salam
kenapa harus pake tripod? terkadang situasi blur gini kalo sesuai ama judul oke juga... mungkin sedikit retouch di white balance bakal lebih oke brur.. -salam kenal-
hehe......keep upload
ga jelas nih mas..pake tripod aja lah..salam
drunken master.... upload terus yg penting jeprat jepret jg jalan terus