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Andi Santoso (48126)
Ginkaku-ji (Japanese: 銀閣寺?), the "Temple of the Silver Pavilion," is a Buddhist temple in the Sakyo ward of Kyoto, Japan. The official name is Jishō-ji (慈照寺, "Temple of Shining Mercy"). It was built in 1474 by the shogun Ashikaga Yoshimasa, who sought to emulate the golden Kinkaku-ji commissioned by his grandfather Ashikaga Yoshimitsu.nnThe Kannon hall is the main building at the temple. It is popularly known as Ginkaku, the Silver Pavilion. The intention was to cover it in silver, but due to the increasing severity of the Ōnin War, which broke out several years earlier in 1467, construction was halted, and the silver covering never placed on the pavilion. The building, originally intended to be a monument to ostentation, is now taken as an example of Japanese refinement and restraint.nnLike Kinkaku-ji, Ginkaku-ji was originally built to serve as a place of rest and solitude for the Shogun. During his reign as Shogun, Ashikaga Yoshimasa inspired a new outpouring of traditional culture, which came to be known as Higashiyama Bunka, the Culture of the Eastern Mountain. Having retired to the villa, it is said Yoshimasa sat in the pavilion, contemplating the calm and beauty of the gardens as the Ōnin War worsened and Kyoto was burned to the ground. In 1485, Yoshimasa became a Zen Buddhist monk, and after his death the villa became a Buddhist temple, renamed Jishō-ji.nnIn addition to that building, the temple features wooded grounds covered with a variety of mosses, and a Japanese garden, supposedly designed by the great landscape artist Soami. The rock and sand garden of Ginkaku-ji is particularly famous, and a pile of sand said to symbolize Mount Fuji has now come to be a part of the garden.
17 tahun yang lalu
mantaaaaaaaaaaaaps bgt om...anglenya ngeriii deh, sedap
komposisi dan refleksinya bagus, tajam,....foto Bw yg indah.
cakep nih di BW-in .. refleksinya keren ..
sudut bidiknya tepat....sehingga,...berasa kedalaman gambarnya
Tenang bgt Bro..
Jepang banget...nice shoot..
Bening..ning..ning.. Cerdas Mas dibikin BW buat ngakalin langit flat. Yoroshiku
nice bw....mgkn kalo contrastnya naikin dikit lagi lebih yahud neh om...tapi imho loh
Love it....great capture..sharp BW,enak di lihat...salam dari Bali...:)
Cakep viewnya serta komposisinya mantap sekali. Salam salim om Andi
muantaaap...viewnya asik bgt...salam dr bdg :D
taman dan bangunan nya indah sekali, refleksi nya juga, history bikin tambah sip...salam sukses selalu..
Cantik BWnya dengan refleksi yang bening...salam
BWnya mantaaap bro komponya kereeen
indah sekali, apalagi di BW lage, jadi artistik banget om....
Refleksinya cantik oom.
superb..!!!! kompo,tonal,refleksinya bersatu padu.... kereeeeeeeeen... salam
Cakep sekali, Bro. Sekalipun diBW dimensinya terasa asyik. Bening...indah. Salam,
great view, great shot, nice BW, ket. tambahan-nya panjang bgt, plit2-komplit deh ih......
Jeli & kreatif dlm memilih angle mas yg satu ini..komposisinya bener2 menawan..viewnya juga cakep...very superb..
komposisi n tonenya asik banget ah .... salam ;)
cakep komposisi dan anglenya, juga seneng sama tonenya, nice framing...salam.
BWnya mantap Bro....refleksinya cakep...angle & komponya sedap....salam
Komposisi dan view yang cantik,..stylenya klasik banget,..
sedap..cakep komponya...paten dach...salam