Hak cipta karya foto ada pada fotografer dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang.
Stella Widiasanti (10403)
� or dent-de-lion in its origin word, which means tooth of a lion.rn� or skydiver flower in my own language as I was a kid. Actually, my mom said so, when my sister and I asked the name of this wild flower that grows a bit higher than the grass surrounds it, and pretty eye-catching too with its white color above the greens.rnSince forever, I find it as my favorite flower for all time.rnAnd the sweet youth days memories that I had with this wild but gentle, strong yet soft plant, make it even worthier.rnrnI am so amazed by its filaments, that when the winds help it escape from its head, it would fly away slowly, float in the air with incalculable movement and unpredictable direction, look for a new place to grow, maybe search for a new environment, try to survive and to multiply.rnrnSomehow, seeing this flower takes my gloominess and sulkiness out of existence.rnSo I feel grateful for this is spring and I can see these flowers everywhere, even in my room on the 7th floor. Well, not the whole bunch of course.rnBut around 6 pm yesterday afternoon, while I was chilling and relaxing on my bed, suddenly this white filament came in through the window and danced slowly right in front of my weary eyes. The rays of the sun glowing outside (yes, it was still like a day light here on spring!) perfectly framed this beauty and the bright blue sky background just made it completely gorgeous.rnThen I think to myself, �Hey, it�s so cheerful outside. Why don�t I go for a walk and wash away my tiredness?� rnSo I went hunting �
17 tahun yang lalu
duh kereeeeeeeeeennn banget. salam coolpix!
Wow!!! yang ini lebih menawan... BG biru, ditambah angin yang meniupnya... bikin POI lebih menarik... salam hangat selalu dr Kairo, untung ket-nya B.Inggris, ya paling gak bisa ngerti dikit2... coba jerman... waaahhh... gak bakaln ngerti kita, salam
waw..kompo..n frezzenya ok banget mbak...nice
wow.......kerennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn....momentnya cakep betul....simple tapi asyik....nice shot.....salam.
keren bgt bisa nangkep momen spt ini... dandelion emg ok ya... salam ^_^
asyi banget makronya dan momentnya indah. dan birunya menambah indah. ada sesuatu di gambar itu. salam. ngak ngerti artine mbak. okeh lan pake basa madura.
top ide-nya...momennya terasa alami...salam kenal
what a delight to watch those little beauties dancing in the air ! a stellar capture, stella :). salam
yepp.... haaaacciiiiiiiii.....
Aarrggghhh.... Nice shot ! alami banget nih !
suka fotonya, benci realnya get me allergy all the time
Kereeen abis,..........................salam hl
Wwwwwwooooooooooowwwwwwwwww great Pict. Momentnya mantap bngt negh. Nice shot. SALUT.
GREAT COMPO..............honestly.......nice angle ...
wowww... ide kreatif.... mantap gagasannya, salute...
Cakep...cakep...momennya pas banget...sederhana tapi berkesan...nice work mbak..salam hangat
konsep yg sangat menarik...fokus n dof juga pas...salam jepret
this is ... SUPERB! the concept and execution ... nicely done!. amazing ... this photo i wish to make .. but you have done it .. bravo! salam. NBY.
asyik neyh fotonya...nice idea...yg niupin tu mas fendy yha???
freedom :-) just swinging and swinging
indah, kombinasi makro dan momentnya asik, kompo 1/3 bidang i like it, salam
ini buat gw alergi, makasih dong sama om2 yg udah niupnya :p birunya haaaaa....