Hak cipta karya foto ada pada fotografer dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang.
Steve Chong, arps (19245)
Saw this old man by the road. I approached and asked if I could take his photo. He noded. Apparently he was a popular subject, he told me that there were tons of people took picture of him every week.
16 tahun yang lalu
detailnya mantaab
Wow keren banget....
cropnya cakep detailnya pun mantab sir
17 tahun yang lalu
detil...sampai terlihat pori2nya......
Cool.....POI keren banget.. salut.. keep upload
duh gak ada jempol 5 nih.. asli terkagum saya melihatnya.. lovely !!
very sad..ekspesion with the sad n deeply eyes..nice moment to shoot
ekspresinya dapet tonenya keren abis.....salam
I love the color...perhaps your instinct is exactly the same to others...therefore you will shoot the same subject... LOL
great shot, bro.. pure sharpness w/ strong character.. Very good camera w/ capability full of RGB.. salam from Bali
Wow what a strong portrait. Very sharp. Nice DOF. Good detail !
detail, soft dan tone pas bgt..
Keren..ekspresinya dapet banget..asik..
great portrait steve, really like the xpression; the angle and the dof you choose...great..
kereeen tone n crop ny,Slamat dpt FPE............................salam hl
Teksturnya terlihat jelas... Jadi terlihat jelas, bahwa muka manusia memang tidak rata (kalau rata apa jadinya... Hiiii) Anyway, Nice Foto I Think.... Kalo bisa cropnya kurang ke bawah sedikit... biar dahinya lebih tampak jelas....
kulitnya ke photo sampai ke detail2nya...cakep bos
dof N cropingnya bagus. salam
nice selective focus...
MANTAB DETAILNYA.. SEMPURNA.. bener2 karaya handal seorang fotografer ulung.. udah lah gak ada tandingannya... warnanya keren.. gak kuku deh, kropingnyaKetat gaya gw, betul2 guratan beban hidup yg berat, maju terus fotografi .. betulkan.. slam Dhimasjusuf
detail guratannya tampak eksotis...humanis banget!
soo shaaarp, amazing..
nice picture dalam bahasa indonesia Mantep............