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Yudi Sutrisna (10238)
in the steel reign...nwhen human start to loose..nwith they own invention..nwhen the teeth of gear..beyond human strength...nit's so ridicullus to see..nnow..nwe must realize..nto our own power...nwe are the inventor..nwe are.. the creator..nthey must know..nwho the boss really is...nnever give up to the steel rebels..nnever surrender for the time..nwe are the power owner below the God..nwe are human..nlet's start..nRaise Against the Machine...nnmakasih bagi yang telah berkunjung & memberikan saran serta kritik..nsemoga dapat dinikmati..nsalam dari tukang jepret biasa...
16 tahun yang lalu
Idenya bagus, eksekusinya juga.
17 tahun yang lalu
nice concept.... kritik yang mengacu pada perubahan jaman... keren...
18 tahun yang lalu
Foto BWnya keren banget..salam
Judulnya bagus ... menceritakan gambarnya ... seperti di film Terminator ... human vs machine ... nice pic ... salam
nice idea n concept...... nice compo too..... tapi BWnya kurang greng nih..... semoga berkenan
Nice Bro.....Dalem Abis............Antara Mesin Dan Manusia.........Saleum
nice BW,fotonya bisa bercerita,kompo nya juga asik...salam