" GLobal Warming " 

Hak cipta karya foto ada pada fotografer dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang.


In this image, i illustrates the condition of a person that is heat to death and become dust because of the hole in the sky that is created by the polution in the air.
nNo jokes..it\'s happening now, the hole in the earth atmosphere is getting bigger and bigger. There are many people out there that has been victimized by the climate change. In a way, it seems so unfair since the polution is most likely created by the develop nation, but the one that feel the most pain is the people that less polute the world. Look at the people in Africa, Where the climate has already increased by 5 degree since the year 2000. Bangladesh, is another example, they are currently facing flood problem at the moment. and whose to be blame for all of this events ? is it the people of africa, the people of Bangladesh or Corporations and Unfriendly government of develop nations ??
nIf we individuals doesnt start to care and remains ignored about our environement. This thingy that we saw in this image could possiblly happens. Well, its might seems that i exaggarate the even to much, but this could be happen, remembering that the use of coal and gas emission has significantly increase day by day.
nAlways remember, the more we purchase the product that is created by the \"unfriendly corporation\". The more we make them wealth and further demolished our environment. We could stop all of this events from happening, if we start to think about what we consume and what we buy for ourself. Dont be fool by ads that saying they are user friendly and stuff, never ever trust what they said. But trust what you saw and witnessed.
n*To ignore is to leave a debt to our grand grand children, it is like giving them an unknown tax that they are force to paid in the future

  • Nilai foto: 185
  • Dilihat: 341
  • Waktu upload: Jumat, 09 Feb 2007
  • Lokasi: south melbourne beach, Australia
Shooting Data
  • Aperture: f/9.5
  • Speed: 1/45
  • ISO: 0
  • Kamera: Nikon D50 *
  • Lensa: Sigma sigma 28 - 200 mm *
  • Filter: n/a
  • * Masih menggunakan daftar alat lama yang mungkin tidak akurat.
Kritik dan Komentar
Devi Amalia (482)

16 tahun yang lalu

asyik konsepnya.... komposisinya cakep...... salam

Teguh Ismanto (325)

16 tahun yang lalu

cakep komposisinya..... salut buat konsepnya.......

Idelia Osmar (48)

16 tahun yang lalu

conceptual things captured by simple shot ;) nice idea ^^ salam

Hendry Herlambang (55)

16 tahun yang lalu

mantafff... idenya baguss!!!

 M.ali Ghufron (14079)

16 tahun yang lalu

suka ama keteranganya...ora ngerti blas..xixi

Johannes E. Tulung (535)

16 tahun yang lalu

top dah...!

Aditya Bagaskoro (6)

16 tahun yang lalu

cakep..tekstur pasirnya hebatt.....salam

 Yopie Pangkey (11818)

16 tahun yang lalu

mantab banget pesan moralnya, nice shot n idea with great not too. cheers.

 Nur Alam MN (7750)

16 tahun yang lalu

nice konsep...komponya oke..pesannya mendalam...salam

Daniel Aristo Widhiaono (1478)

16 tahun yang lalu

nice capture, kocsep nya dapet. salam

 Kim Sung Keun (5479)

16 tahun yang lalu

nice concept

 Yehuda Tangpen (3514)

16 tahun yang lalu

Idenya bagus... ni foto berbicara banget...

 Yunus Wibisono (10053)

16 tahun yang lalu

cakep... konseptual.... kreatif

 Mhd. Luthfi, Upie (41313)

17 tahun yang lalu

selop kau itu lah .... nice view ... klo gini trus karya mu nggak nyesal ko di ausie..

 Sugoro Lisinski (26515)

17 tahun yang lalu

You're right, we must keep good our environment to our grand grand children, thanks for sharing nice picts and we must thank you for being reminded. BTW, nice consept and composition shot.

Muliady (4451)

17 tahun yang lalu

Keren idenya Pak...Sandal, Pattern pasir, dan langitnya Top...

 Ricky Wijaya (26343)

17 tahun yang lalu

WUAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH...yg ini mah gue demen banget........cetak 24 inci donk ...

 Gracia Nurika P (10254)

17 tahun yang lalu

idenya keren dan mantep. thanks buat penjelasannya yach...

 Ir. Doni Irfan (35607)

17 tahun yang lalu

gileee...gilee...mantavv banget dan art-nya terasa. Padahal hanya sepasang sandal, tapi bisa dibuat jadi artistik gini...salut deh oom..salam salim

 IB Putra Adnyana (83899)

17 tahun yang lalu

Simbolik, kompo asik.....salam

 Rifky (96292)

17 tahun yang lalu

sedap cakepnich konsepnya....yup globa warming telah melanda seluruh negeri...sekarang bagaimana kita meyikapinya dgn perilaku yg ramah lingkungan...salut...salam

 Oka, Ida Bagus Putu (10753)

17 tahun yang lalu

Nice idea dan konsepnya nich om.....tergambar dgn tajam......great shoot....salam

 Fu Yung (158609)

17 tahun yang lalu

simple tapi mantap ... penyajian yang apik .... detailnya rapi dan tajam - tone colornya cantik dan pas banget ... komposisinya cantik ... salam

Dwi Puspa Buanasari (1249)

17 tahun yang lalu

Ide yg keren dan hasilnya jg mantap.....It's time for us to do something about it, right....:))

Williams Yvonne (974)

17 tahun yang lalu

nice concept