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Novi Munardi (18367)
Dear WifernToday is our 8th Annivesarry day.rnAnd I hope we can trough all the next year together .. rnI made a very big mistake .. but you still beside me and always help me with all your love..rnI dont know how to appologize for what I've done, I'm really really sorry for this..rnBut I hope God will help me to redeem all my fault. I promise to God that I will make you happy till the rest of my life..rnrnMy dear wife .. I love you so much and I Hope your heart always opened for me and for all my dirty thing with me .. Forgive me ...rnI Love You Always .. rnrnDear God .. please make our love eternaly ...ever ... after ...rnrn*Note : Photograph by Tripod, because I am a model right now hihi .. the women is my lovely wife .. this pict is dedicated to our 8th Annivesarry .. guys .. I hope you have a little time for us to pray for our good life together ..rnThanks guys ..rnrnDate Time Original: 2007:01:31 22:18:36
17 tahun yang lalu
Wish your love in your marriage long lasting, May God Bless you.
BW-nya bikin lebih wah!... nice shot... salam
hihihi sayang istri nih si boss...happy anniversary juga deh...
smoga dikaruniakanNya kehidupan menguatkan cinta diantara kalian. pose dan bw dalam balutan sedikit softnya pas sekali!
Wish you both a lovely life, healthy and good prosperity. Yang pasti posenya asyik bangettt....
Momen dan komposisinya OK nih..nice b/w tone juga.
doaku untukmu mas! .. smoga bahagia selamanya supaya bisa terus menghasilkan karya2 indah sperti yg satu ini .. thx for sharing . .
hadiah terbaik utk istri ... romantis sekali dan sangat berarti. good konsep ...
what a lovely image bro !! beautifully done on the expression and bw tones... wish you and your wife be blessed for the best for last forever in your 8th anniversary... AMIN !
ck..ck.. BWnya asik bro selamet yach
Waa... mesranya.....keluarga bahagia nih......
self potrait nih.... bagus bro, konsep dan posenya keren dan cocok sekali di BW.... I wish to congratulate you on your 8th Wedding Anniversary. May your dreams come true, and you stay true to each other. salam bro.
Selamet Mas... 8 tahun yach .. patut disyukuri.. semoga awet dan langgeng... tone dan konsepnya bagus Mas.. walau saya prefer saling menatap :)
Thanks for sharing such a beautiful story for us...love the concept put on your memorable picture... happy anniversary...makan-2nya ditunggu ya om...
what an intimate moment.. it's a great romantic shot, bang.. semoga bahagia slamanya..
Wow, so sweet !! Maniiss bangeet...
Bagus nih ekspresi Mbaknya..
romantis ....
Have a great happy merriage bro...konsepnya apik..nice BW
bwnya mantap..... romantis..... salam
Selamat untuk (Mas dan Mbak) Novi Munardi. Semoga berbahagia selalu dan dalam lindunganNYA. Konsepnya bagus, fotonya juga menarik. Mungkin kalau ditambah kontrasnya sedikit akan lebih menarik lagi (tapi itu selera loh Mas.) thank's for sharing.
Romantis. Keren... Selamat...
BW nya asyik.....salam ZA
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