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Willy Setiadi (43835)
One night a man had a dream. He dreamedrnhe was walking along the snow with the LORD.rnrnAcross the sky flashed scenes from his life. rnFor each scene he noticed two sets of rnfootprints in the snow: one belonging rnto him, and the other to the LORD.rnrnWhen the last scene of his life flashed before him,rnhe looked back at the footprints in the snow.rnrnHe noticed that many times along the path ofrnhis life there was only one set of footprints.rnrnHe also noticed that it happened at the veryrnlowest and saddest times in his life.rnrnThis really bothered him and he rnquestioned the LORD about it: rnrn"LORD, you said that once I decided to follow rnyou, you'd walk with me all the way.rnBut I have noticed that during the most rntroublesome times in my life,rnthere is only one set of footprints. rnI don't understand why when rnI needed you most you would leave me."rnrnThe LORD replied:rn"My son, my precious child,rnI love you and I would never leave you.rnDuring your times of trial and suffering,rnwhen you see only one set of footprints, rnit was then that I carried you."rnrnrnDisadur dari Footprints in The Sand karya Mary Stevenson...(kata"sand" saya ganti snow).Waktu saya masih kuliah dulu,di dinding kamar kost saya tertempel lukisan dgn puisi karya Mary Stevenson ini.Kata-katanya sangat indah sehingga masih teringat di benak saya meskipun sudah lewat 10 tahun lalu.
17 tahun yang lalu
nice concept ... cakep pisan view nya
komposisnya asik neh...
Nice idea, jejak kakinya membimbing ke pohon2 kering. Prefer pohon yg terpenggal di kanan atas di clone saja, imho. salam.
keren......request yang bangku tengah dan satu pohon mas......
enanknya yah yg musim dingin pk salju......keren n hebat bgt idenya.....salam
Nice shot,................................salaaam hl
Idenya ok nih mas Willy! Nice Shot !!
beautiful shot bro ! adem dan sejuk rasanya nih.... tones dan komposisinya mantap ! well done
Sesuai dengan suasana saljunya, tampilannya pun sangat dingin, senyap dan hening. Aku suka liat ranting pohonya yang pada botak..memberikan suasana yang unik. Salam salim
indah euy langitnya..
muantep banget mas wil.keren nih.tajem.jejak kakinya mendukung foto menjadi menawan.TOP dah.
kompo amat rapi dengan tone natural.... soul of the yuki...slm
mmg sungguh indah puisi hasil karya Mary Stevenson nya...footprints in the snow yg menarik perhatian...keren om Willy...cheers.
Nice view... menampilkan warna yang beda dengan yang lain, nice banget... anglenya juga keren, salam hangat om.
Very touching ... keterangannya maksudku... fotonya sih... keren abizzzzz graduasi warna langitnya.... ^_^
keren banget nih bro, komposisi dan tonalnya yg lembut itu loh.... salut
Ini di OBASUTE om... hihihi aku tau waktu itu aku foto Kombini disana ada tulisan OBASUTE (nagano-ken) ....caem banget om......SALAM ^0^v
Yakin gue, itu Yeti ! Hahaha ..., ada aja idenya boss, salam kenal dan salam hangad !
Yang saya suka tone dan komposisinya. Footprint itu nambah lengkap konsep foto landscapenya. Salam hangat selalu.
buset deh .... anglenya apik banget , detailnya tajam dan jelas .... BG nya unik banget ... tone colornya cantik pula ,salam
dingin..., keren sudut bidiknya tonenya adem juga
konsep nya bagus, ide nya tertuang rapi, GBU!
wow..... kerennnn... salam.
cakep bener fotonya mas..kompo n tone nya sip.. dingin banget ya.. great shot. salam
Cakep kompo, angle, konsep, n' tone-nya bro, nice shot! Salam...