Hak cipta karya foto ada pada fotografer dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang.
Darmansyah bin Abu Hanifah (1649)
I used 3 studio strobe with setting of all.mix with color gel to make yellow effect.
18 tahun yang lalu
Nice compo and tone.. great idea...
Tone dan komposisinya cakep, really nice...salam:)
pengen bisa buat beginian...top bang
bagus tone nya ... dan komposisinya juga ok... salam
prety concept, prety angle also..., great job..welldone..., :salam:
very nice touch!
cakep tone-nya.. cahayanya juga pas om.. nice pict. salam..
Nice picture and shot with a nice tone, and composition also. Even have seen many around but a new one create more colorful aspect than older one.
nice macro bro, fantastic 'bokeh' in f11, this pic will be suitable for related printing job. best regards.
tonenya bgs, suasananya menarik, tp kayanya tanggung klo cuma 2 lilin, slera sih.. salam
wuihhh lighting-nya siippp , mantab macro, bagus componya
Saya sering melihat foto ini ;) .... Kompo sama tonenya bagus, good job!!