Hak cipta karya foto ada pada fotografer dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang.
David Leo (6510)
I took this pict at the zoo. This panda happened to be resting his head on the log and I was in hurry to capture it. I used the matrix metering since the weather is overcast. Ps only framing, resizing and USM. Enjoy!dihapus oleh David Leo (15903) dari IP
17 tahun yang lalu
Hiii...lucuuuu....pingin pelihara satu:p
cute banget pandanya..great moment...great angle...salam..
18 tahun yang lalu
hahaha... nice pic... nice pose n moment... lighting and colour bisa diperbaiki lagi.... NiCE PIC banGGGGetTTttTTTTT.... Salam.. =D
ini anaknya sapa tuh namanya xiao2 yach? soo cuteeeeeeeeee
hahaha lucu ni posenya..
Judul dan Isinya pass banget...hehehe lucu
A good capture and nice composition. Lovely natural tone.
Very sharp photo... great moment + well composed, I think you should go to Chengdu to take more Panda's picts for us... hahaha... thanks to share with us...cheers.. from a warm place on the earth Bali ^_^
fotonya tajam dg tonenya cakep, ekspresi pandanya lucu.......bagus bro
nice composition... great shot!!..
ekspresi pandanya menarik..nice moment juga. SALAM
manteb mas, nungguinnya lama kali ya... tapi kalo head room-nya sedikit di crop bagus kali ya biar pandanya lebih jelas
Very - very nice capture. photo yang membuat relax. very sharp and clear shot. every pict from you is really nice. great bro. congratulation being FPE again
so sharpe.... nice capture
Well, great compo... my friend's compo was nice... :) well capture, ~J'nt.~
cute. tapi masih banyak yang harus diperbaiki
ekspresinya lucu...great photo of a great animal!
hahah.... it's cute, looks at its pose :p salam =^^=
the image is so sharp, and the panda is super cute
I really enjoy this picture! thx for sharing !
pose dan judulu sesuai...momennya menarik...salam...
Pas lightingnya, tajam dan nice angle, I like the composition with the line towards the object.
subjek dan momen menarik dan langka. tapi secara fotografis kurang. BG yang rame dan komposisi kurang cermat.
moment yg tepat dengan compo bagus. Exposure yg pas terlihat dari bulu putihnya yg masih ada detail. Tajam dan detail sampe bulu2 nya kelihatan jelas. You are a great photgrapher.
momentnya pas banget neh...jarang2 bisa liat panda neh...