Hak cipta karya foto ada pada fotografer dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang.
David Leo (6510)
This another tricky shot. The background actually is a bamboo wall. It does not look good, so I took the reading at the medium light leaves in order to make the background dark and still maintain the exposure on the leaves. Ps only framing, resizing and USM. Enjoydihapus oleh David Leo (15170) dari IP
18 tahun yang lalu
Beautiful tone and great result, good work!!
simple yet astonishing!
Komposisi keren... warna salut...salam
yup... very beautiful.. i like the colour, lighting and the composition.. wonderful...
What amazing...!!! Very colourfull, nice and sharp..cahaya2x yg tembus di daunnya bagus banget
wah wah FPE lagi boss ! memang mantap2 fotonya !...........s@l@m
You are really did an excellent shot.
asik banget foto daun momiji ... jarang2 ada yg pake black BG .. nice one
kerenn boo lightingnyaaa, warnanya juga *O*
nice use of light
simple but amazing
congrats bung David.... lightingnya mempercantik fotonya nih.... sip
warnanya bener2 menyala....keren. euy.
always come with the great tone and lighting....., like this one..., salam!
Very nice fic. Great shot.. Ajari aku dong mas.. Thanks.
It;s suprised me that it's a trick..!! You did it very well,...Congratulation,..I like the Colors...
warna warni yang indah, nice pict......
thanks fot trick.. simple but nice.. i like this
the nice capture of The Momiji..salut2 :)
Congratulations for FPE! Simple object but you've made it great!
warnanya top abis...
Mantav ! Wonderful, very nice color of momiji. saLaM,--frAnS--
komposisi dan tonenya keren nech...nice momiji.
simple ..but nice .. salam dahsyat,
komposisinya dan warnanya bener2 enak diliat..... artistik menurut saya. salut pak!! salam. yuuu'..