Hak cipta karya foto ada pada fotografer dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang.
Bukit Rahardjo (16642)
This picture was taken as one of learning point in maximizing zoom out function of the lens. It would be similar principle of night shot of lights in slow shutter on the moving object. Since this object was not a moving object then it is still possible to create the motion effect using zooming out function of the lens when slow shutter in progress. Of course this picture is still far away from well composition and quality. Comments, critics, corrections and suggestions from FNers are most welcome and highly appreciated...salam...manythanks...bukitrnrnDate Time Original: 2006:12:25 22:56:12rnISO Speed Ratings: 100
18 tahun yang lalu
foto tema natal dgn tekhnik yg istimewa....
nice concept - tonenya juga keren cuma agak gelap dikit yaa kesannya? Imho lho.. semoga berkenan. Tapi ini juga udah 3TU kok. Kenapa foto ini ga diikut sertakan ke lomba tema Damai Natal & Keceriaan Tahun Baru? Salam kenal
efek zooming yang keren.good idea.
lightingnya pas....komponya jg asik nih....! salam.
good job...i like with flare of the light..nice concept....salam**bobbypuja**
mantap eksekusi idenya,... susah sekali mendapatkan efeknya,... ini sukses,... kaya terbang pohonnya,... well done!
very nice.. good idea
Meriah sekali semeriah Natal kali ini. It's a very nice picture. Pencahayaannya sangat cantik. Selamat Natal dan salam kenal, yoanes bandung.
It's a wonderful picture. Merry Chrismas and Happy New Year.
creative idea...happy new year....salam dari kyoto...
Idenya cakep pak... efek gerak zoomnya juga dapet... sayang bgroundnya terlalu kuat... mungkin pake f/2.8 saya rasa cukup dan bisa dapet blur bground... nice concept tho... happy new year... salam
wOW slow shutter yang keren...so cool...always do some experiment with the new gear?...:D "Happy New Year 2007, Bung Bukit!"
Zooming-nya cakep, bro! Merry Christmas n' Happy New Year 2007! Salam...
wow... keren banget nih, cahaya lampu pohon natalnya bisa nyembur keluar gituu...nice pic!
Nice objek... "Selamat Natal 2006" & "Selamat Tahun Baru 2007". salam hangat dari Egypt
Efek zoomingnya keren nih mas. ... Cheers
cakep....selamat tahun baru 2007 all the best...warm regards ...MY
zoomingny sedap....merry x'mas........and happy new year 2007....
Merry X Mas & Happy New Year.. Nice captured of the X mas tree with the zoom out efect .. Regards, Ferly
moment cantik om, palagi slow speed bisa dapet effect motion, kompo cakep, terus berkarya
cahaya yang ditampilkan begitu menawan...., selamat natal dari saya mas...., salam!
Teknik permainan cahaya yang cantik....
met natal dan tahun baru.....efek lihting nya keren...salam dr JAPAN
what a nice skills.... Gemerlap lampunya...ngiri deh, cuman BGnya kurang sedep yach...
nice idea by pulling out your lens...creative...