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Christovita Wiloto, SI PEMULA (32085)
...he...10x masih iseng2 supaya tdk pada bosan dengan awan...[HP Photography] coba-coba belajar desain grafis...semoga berkenan... :-)rnrn"Jesus Born on this Day"rnrnrnToday a child is born on earth rn(Today a child is born on earth) rnToday the glory of God shines everywhere rnFor all the world rnOh Jesus born on this day rnHe is our light and salvation rnOh Jesus born on this day rnHe is the King of all nations rnrnBehold the Lamb of God has come rn(Behold the Lamb of God has come) rnBehold the Savior is born rnSing of His love to everyone rnOh Jesus born on this day rnHeavenly child in a manger rnOh Jesus born on this day rnHe is our Lord and Savior rnrnToday our hearts rejoice in Him rn(Today our hearts rejoice in Him) rnToday the light of His birth rnFills us with hope and brings peace on earth rnOh Jesus born on this day rnHe is our light and salvation rnOh Jesus born on this day rnHe is the King of all nations rnrnToday a child is born on earth rn(Today a child is born on earth) rnrnHe is light, He is love, He is grace rnBorn on Christmas day rnHe is light, He is love, He is grace rnBorn on Christmas day rnHe is light, He is love, He is grace rnBorn on Christmas day rn rnsing by Mariah Carey....listen carefully by si pemula :-) for all of you....Merry Christmas....i love you so much...rn rn rnsalam rn[HP Photography]
17 tahun yang lalu
hola Land Rover, the Best 4x4xFar...hey, you are a rising star...Cheers!
wah kalo ini mah uda condong bgt ke design grafis.foto nya secuil.hehe.
Conceptnya udah ok punya neh om, warna juga keren banget... wah! sekarang si om mulai masuk dapur oldig neh... :)
Bro, kalo mau maen desain grafis, ada yg kurang : shadow ;-) Tanpa ada bayangan, jadinya kurang alami (bener2 kayak tempelan doang mobilnya). Udah beli belum 400D_nya? ;-)
hehehe...mantap nih olahannya terkonsep apik!! salam.
Konsep-nya cakep, pak, tapi masih silau lihat bagian depan jeep-nya nh hehehe...
konsep dan komponya asik bro..... foto HP aja begini.... nice! -fs-
keren om... boleh jg tu hpphotography...
lebih tepat sebagai grafis bukan foto...imho
om wiloto bercanda nya kelewatan .... ^0^ hahahaha lucu banget dan jago Guyon yah... tema natal yg sesuai temanya malah keterangan nya...duh om..lucu nya dikau... SALAM natal juga !!! ^0^
Pak Wiloto, olahannya bagus nih, simple bagus... Salam
bisa aja kreasi si om chris nih..:)
so simpel, but still long poetry!heheh ...Merry Christmast sir...
klo dilihat dr desain grafis..aku suka desain kya gini..suka bangettt..tapi klo dilihat dr foto..tunggu dulu...tone mobilnya terlalu jreng..mungkin terganting selera aja kali yah..ada beberapa bagian mobil yg sama BG..IMHO lho om..salam`
nice concept...perfect execution and nice tone as well...salam